

I’m getting close to the end.
I was looking at the photographs I still had available & I saw that it won’t last much longer than 1 week.

Time to show the last picture I made of a Flying Fish T-shirt.

Last shirt I got also.

A colleague of mine owed it, after getting it as a gift.

He said he didn’t want to wear it, because he didn’t like the hippyness about it.

Me neither.

But yeah…



It’s time to leave home. Been sitting here too long today.

I’ve heard about people who can stay home the whole day.

I’m not that type.

I have to open the door at a certain moment & go out.

de prael

De Prael

Something went wrong last week.

I didn’t dare to wear the cycling jersey the whole day. So I came up with the idea to put it on as soon as my colleague & I would start to throw pellets to the bin.

Just change shirts for the tournament.

It would look quite sporty, I thought.

As if it was real.

But I was so stupid to leave the jersey laying on the couch at home.


Also again with the shirt I was wearing instead.