

Now you know what my kitchen looks like.

It’s a mess.

Although not extremely dirty. I just don’t put the things at the right place after using it.

My living room is the same. But then filled up with books. & Bags where those books have been transported in.

The positive thing about these grease stains is that their colour goes well with the sign of this awful beer.



My colleague did lose last week. Thanks to my cycling jersey.

1st We did bad both. We couldn’t hit the bin with our pellets.

Then I threw my 1st point. & My 2nd.

It went from 2 – 0, via 2 – 1 to 3 – 2.

We closed, chased the customers away & decided to do 1 more hit. Just for fun.

I made it 4 – 2. He made 4 – 3.

So today the same scenario. I’m a champion in these kind of jerseys.



I visited Haarlem this week. To see an exposition.

I watched all the paintings, took my time.

& Then I suddenly was out on the streets again.

I decided to walk around a bit. I might even go into a pub, I thought.

But no pubs were open. Not the ones I wanted to drink a beer in.

So I’ve seen all the streets of the city centre.

While I was hoping people didn’t see I was just walking around, having no goal, reappearing time & time again.

When I didn’t dare anymore I took the road to the Central Station again.

I better drink a beer in Amsterdam, I thought.



I’ve visited the brewery once. When I accomponied one importer of beer on her journey to some wholesales & breweries in Belgium.

It was freezing. In the brewery too. So we kept our coats on.

I knew what breweries were looking like. I work in one myself. I was still happy to get a small tour.

The brewery equipment was not that exciting, except for a plate heat exchanger they had taken over from Chimay, but the building itself was.

They should put all those new breweries in old buildings. One way to keep old treasures saved for mankind.



I visited a friend of mine.

Although she’s living in another city I used to visit her at least once a week.

Now it was for the 1st time in months.

It was part of my space, my Zijperspace, so I took some shirts with me & tried to grab.

Grab, yeah, grab. Grab something. I don’t know what. Grab what’s me, parts of me, picturewise.

con domus

Con Domus

It’s a shirt for students.

I thought it was funny then.

At the backside: Willing, but with a lively character… Who can withstand that?

Frontside (this one here): Raise him!



I gave the man some beer.

& Later I regretted it.

It’s not a very good print. The bottom of the illustration is gone.

But yeah, I was just starting to collect shirts. Although I didn’t want to admit that yet.

I was not too critical. I wanted to have more shirts. So people would say: Hey, you’re having a new shirt on!

Yep, I’m doing that for 218 days now.

Although they’re not all new.



I’m wearing this one already for some hours.

I nearly fell asleep again, this morning, so I decided to go out & do some shopping.

Man wakes up biking around in the rain for 2 hours.

After that man gets tired again.

So I didn’t feel like publishing the next photograph. I preferred doing nothing.

& Now nothing starts to get boring & is reinviting me for a short nap I decided it’s time for beer.



Today once again we’re gonna try to throw pellets in the bin.

In dutch: propjes in de prullenbak.

Nice alliteration that is.

Nothing special with that. Just throwing inbetween tapping beer.

We have plenty of other things to do, but we throw those pellets anyway.

Who’s gonna hit the bin is getting a point. Quite logical.

But now I do have a special jersey. So I will come prepared.

My colleague will be amazed. And lose.



I haven’t been counting them, all the breweries that are on this T.

Or no, I have been counting them, but I forgot the result.

& Now I don’t feel eager enough to stand up & count again.

All the breweries from the Netherlands. As it was a few years ago.

Probably there are more.

But still there’s not enough quality.
There is, but not enough.