what’s inside

What's Inside

I didn’t realize it until I saw the photograph on my computer.

It is as if the bottle is actually standing there.

Well, I think so.

So I thought I succeeded although it was not what I intended to do.

That’s good too, isn’t it?



I fell asleep.

I was up already for a few hours. But then I started listening to a radio play, meanwhile laying on the couch.

That was fatal.

A friend of mine keeps on saying that I can place all those pictures on Flickr instantly. I just have to keep them for myself, so other people can’t see them yet.

& When I display them for everybody I have to antedate them, she says.

But I need the pressure of the last moment, I think.

& I’m too stubborn.

Now you all know.



I don’t want to walk around in the same clothes as other people.

Especially when they say you have to.

Well, it wasn’t obliged to wear this T, but they rather had that you did.

So, I didn’t.

It’s an awful T-shirt also.
With the logo of Coop on the front side.
Free advertising done by 100’s of staff at a beerfestival.

& Now I’m gonna do that to. Just for 1 afternoon.

But I have to. I just have to.
They didn’t.



Before you start to wonder what the title ‘Lips’ is about: at the backside it says ‘Lips of Faith’.

& I really don’t know what that’s supposed to mean.

Even Bob & Mary, who gave me this T, didn’t know what the brewery was trying to tell us with these 3 words. While they are native americans.

So I thought it might be better to show you the logo at the frontside.
Carefully placed at the worn-out counter at my job.



We do have new lagering tanks. It’ll be possible soon to do 3 batches a week.

I don’t have time to write about that. I’ve been wasting my time here.
Have to catch a train. But I also want to smell nice.

So away for a shower.

& Gone.



I build this thing behind the shirt with bricks my neighbours couldn’t use anymore.

It’s a sort of the front of a boat. That’s what it reminds me of.

There is probably a name for it, but I really don’t know about that.

Although I just finished reading Moby Dick.

Each year some bricks fall down. That’s because of the cats that think my garden is their domain.
I don’t agree with them.

& Each spring I trie to put those bricks back.
But repairing my ‘boat’ is waking up toads, sleeping underneath them during the winter.

That’s always the time of the year I decide not to dare to enter my garden again for the rest of the year.



I’ve been walking the Southdowns.
I even arrived in Brighton, but didn’t go much further.

It kept on raining. & 1 Of the soles of my shoes got loose.

I stayed in a youth hostel in a tiny village & walked my way to Lewes, to get my shoe repaired.

I felt lost.

Especially thanks to the old major in retirement who ran the hostel at that moment.

He treated me as if I was 1 of his soldiers. Which I was not.
The only thing I ever did was going to the boy scouts.

That’s what I think about when somebody reminds me of the Southdowns.

fat tire

Fat Tire

My 2 bikes are both looking as solid as this 1 on the shirt, but mine are both green.

The oldest 1 is hanging, attached with ropes, to the ceiling. It’s a Kronan.

I thought, when I bought my new bike 1½ year ago, that I would gonna use it regularly.
So with some pulleys it would be easy to get the bike down.

It’s hanging there, my bike.
The only thing it’s doing there is hitting my head when I don’t pay attention.

Most of the time when that happens I’m glad I’m wearing my hat. Coming from the same brewery as this T here.



Something else: I think that for a Pro-account on Flickr, for which you have to pay a certain amount of money, one gets a miserable statcounter. The worst statistics I know of within the whole social media- & Blogosphere.



I did shake hands with the brewer, it’s only a few months ago, although he didn’t bring me a new shirt.

I didn’t tell him though that I badly needed a new 1. This 1 here has some white spots.
Probably bleach.

I shouldn’t wear this T anymore, but on a calm day like this, well, I can. For 1 time.

Say goodbye to the T & hope some day Garrett Oliver has been reading this text & will return to Amsterdam to hand me over…