

I got this with Christmas, together with another one, from an english guy who is visiting our brewery for at least once a year.

He’s always sitting there, hardly saying anything.

I told him I had the same shirt he was wearing. I also told him beershirts were the only beerthings I was collecting.

Then he promised to come back a day later. To bring me a shirt.

So 2nd Christmas Day I was happy.

But don´t make it a habit, since I don´t like Christmas.
I don´t want to change that, just for some shirts I got.

pub & brewery

Pub & Brewery

When I showed the green version of this T-shirt I didn’t tell the story behind it.

Not that it’s very special, but it was so very kind of the man.

I gave a tour once to the guy who brewed at Magnolia. Just for him.

He was grateful & we swopped T-shirts.

But I accidently told him that green was my favourite colour.
I didn’t do that on purpose.

The guy was so kind to send me a green one when he got home.

That’s why this one still looks pretty decent.



Well, that chili beer is also for a certain type of people.
Maybe we can’t call them wimps, but I doubt whether they’re better off than those limeloving beerdrinkers.



The backside says: A real winner, seeks long term relationship.

Now I don’t know why they’ve been using the comma , but more annoying is the text itself.

I’m glad it’s on the backside.

I have to work behind the counter. With my face towards the customers.

I hope I won’t show them my back.

I’m not seeking a long term relationship, let that be clear.

I’m sorry, ladies.

kent 2007

Kent 2007

I don’t have much to say, this day that is the day after yesterday.

I’m trying to revive a bit. I’m busy with that the whole morning already.

So nothing new here. Except for the fact that tomorrow it’ll be the 200th T-shirt I’m gonna place here.

I’m coming close to the end.
In a few weeks it’ll be over.

Then I’m gonna start trying to write stories again.

In Dutch.

nieuwjaarsdag 2009

Nieuwjaarsdag 2009

We don’t know what it’s gonna be. It could go either way.

The only thing we have to do is start with it.

Well, it’ll start with us. We won’t be able to stop it starting.

Actually, it’s already busy starting. We are just not aware of it yet.

& When it’s over, we try to find out what had happened.

It can be tiring, New Year’s Day. One shouldn’t think about it before it began.



You can’t read the text on the shirt. I’m sorry for that.
But I wanted to have a clear picture of the tube. Didn’t get one sharp while the other one was not reflecting.

The shirt says (in english):
The whole year was a long wait
Till New Year’s Day 2008.

& What follows, the day itself is lots of beer, lots of fun, some things we shouldn’t say, but still do, some emotion, and probably also someone who is making a wrong decision.

But then we have something to talk about when we start to long for the next New Year’s Day.

nieuwjaarsdag 2007

Nieuwjaarsdag 2007

I’ve already explained the egg, 2 days ago.

& We’re small, compared to all those beermogulls.

We might call us 1 of the biggest of the small ones.

But there are a few that are getting ahead of us.

That’s alright I think. It’s about time that a few breweries in the Netherlands start to grow & become consistent in their production.



A few years we didn’t make any shirts for New Year’s Day. The colleague who used to design them didn’t feel like it.

Maybe he didn’t have any inspiration.

In the meantime New Year’s Day for me was an opportunity to show all the shirts I had.
I took 30 shirts with me & kept on changing shirts during the day.
Even shirts I never dared to wear, just to surprise people.

& Then a Superwoman became a colleague of mine. She reintroduced the tradition.

You’ll see her work the coming days.



For those who don’t understand Dutch: the man’s head is egg-shaped; the name of the brewery sounds the same as saying ‘egg’ in Dutch.

But then you write it in a different way.

I think I told these facts roundabout a thousand times. Each week, during a free tour, I’m already doing for 13 years.

13 Times 50. Minus holidays, plus extra tours.

Yesterday somebody was getting some information about this free tour.

Well, I told her, each friday at 4 o’clock.
But coming friday I will be having a hangover, because that’s the day after the 1st of January.