

I named the picture Lao, because everybody should know by now that it already is about beer.

So skip that.

It’s the mat in front of the backdoor of Zijperspace.

Nobody is entering there, except when they used the backdoor to go into my garden.

The same accounts for me off course.

I was thinking how strange that actually is.

When I was a kid you never used the frontdoor. Always the backdoor.

Why did people forget about the backdoor?

Not that you can use mine, but I want that question to be asked.



Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3.

I never dared to wear this one.

It’s looking different from the T’s I normally wear.
Don’t know how to explain that.

So I’m testing.

The T I decided to wear yesterday didn’t last longer than just 1 or 2 hours. I didn’t feel too comfortable with it.

So I’m testing.

1, 2, 3.

Hm, there will come a moment that I have to leave home & go out in the open with it.

Just 1 more test…



Take this shirt. Probably 1 of the nicest I have.

Were it not that it doesn’t suit me.

It’s too small. It fits like a 2nd skin. I won’t be able to move myself anymore.

But I’m gonna wear it. Just a few hours. & Nobody will notice.

Except myself.

Maybe some people will think I move a little bit strange.



I sometimes do get shirts I know I will never wear.

That’s where I am now: I’ll have to wear them.
Otherwise they don’t exist.

Now these 2 elephants are suddenly hanging in a tree in my garden.

Otherwise they would never have done that.



1 Of the oldest.

We needed a sort of a flyer for our bokbierparty. Back in 1996.

My brother just copied a cover of the ‘Suske & Wiske’-comic & changed it slightly.
He put the illustration on some t-shirts too.

The year after this edition I couldn’t be at the party. They had asked me to be part of a television panel, judging dutch bokbeers.

They told me aftewards they had turned on the television while the party was going on.

As soon as I was asked to say something about the bokbeers everybody started to cheer & shout, so nobody could hear the expert talking who originally came from the small place they were sitting now.



I told the man next to me that I had a collection.

I could call it a collection in that time already. The amount of shirts I had exceeded the 50.

A T-shirt collection, I told the man. A beer-T-shirt collection.

The man said he couldn’t give his shirt away. He couldn’t swop either.
He got his shirt from the owner of his favourite pub.
A very nice lad. & A good friend.

He wrote down my name adress though. He would ask the representative of the brewery.

1 Month later I got 3 shirts via mail.



It’s already some time ago I took this picture. The room itself is not like it used to be.

Actually, I don’t know what it looks like it this moment. Haven’t been there for nearly a week. While they’ve probably worked on it all the time.

They’re moving tanks. Breaking down walls. Restructuring things. Etc…

So this photograph probably can’t be made anymore.

But in a way you can say that of lots of the other pictures also.
A girl sings at the background: Everything is temporary.

jack russell

Jack Russell

The owner of Brouwerij de Molen asked me why I didn’t take a photograph of the kegs being filled up.
You’re in a brewery, he said. You can’t see that if you’re taking pictures of the floor.

I replied that there was more colour in the flour. This small part here is so rich in colour.

And it’s also easier to lay a shirt down, instead of let it hang somewhere.



Just before I wanted to prepare myself to leave home I found out I hardly have any shirts on stock that are already photographed.

Interesting enough to wear today, that’s also something that came to my mind.

I quickly improvised some shootings.

But now it comes out that I nearly took them all.

There are just 2 or 3 left over that I still have to take a picture of.

An era comes to an end.

A small era.

But hey, how big is Zijperspace anyway…



It’s a whole bunch of breweries on the backside of the T-shirt.

I didn’t think about that when I saw somebody else with that same backside.

So I said: Hey, I do have the same shirt.

But it came out I didn’t when I saw the frontside.

& Also stupid of me: at that moment it didn’t come up to my mind which brewery was on the frontside of mine actually.

When I got home, yeah, then I knew. But then I already had felt myself stupid big time.