ik drink bier

Ik Drink Bier

‘Ik drink bier’ means ‘I drink beer’.
You could have guessed it.

The guy smashing the pink elephant used to drink lots of milk & was called Joris Driepinter.

= Joris 3 Pints.

He was very strong, the advertorials told us in those days, thanks to the large amounts of milk he drank each day.

Now somebody made him drink beer.

The pink elephant stayed the same. Nothing much has changed.



That was a big man I swopped this T with.

Let’s see if it’ll fit.

Otherwise I have to hide part of it in my trousers.

I’m afraid I’m not used to that. It always feels a bit strange to do so.

Unless I’m at home.



I never thought Nimbus.
I never drank Nimbus.

Looking at that Nimbus the only thing I do think is: do they mean an aureole?

I think I’m not a Nimbus.
I think I’m not a monkey either.

Although I’ve been growing a beard lately.

rock rhythm & brews

Rock Rhythm & Brews

Oops, I was too busy making a Sinterklaas-rhyme for realising that I had to turn on a T-shirt too.

More important: to place a picture of it here also.

Now I have to hurry. Don’t have time to say anything about it.

But maybe I’ll adjust this later on, when I get home tonight.



I was on my way back home, but had nearly 2 hrs to spend in Düsseldorf.

So I decided to try to visit 1 of my favourite breweries there.

It’s strange how I nearly always find the place I’m aiming for when in a strange city. Especially when I’m on my own.
I was walking straight to it.

& Maybe it was also because I was on my own that it was the 1st time I saw the Schumacher servants laughing.

They even laughed at a remark of mine.

But 1 was very disappointed when I had him walking up & down for a T-shirt I didn’t buy at the end.

After all those years the shirts were still in the same colours.



A few years ago I couldn’t imagine days I wouldn’t pass my own entrance for at least one time a day.

Now I’ve been staying inside already for the biggest part of it.

I’m getting older. I’m getting calm.

Some will say I’m getting boring.

They don’t have to worry, I was that already.

Now I have to take a shower, dress myself and leave for at meeting.

We’ll have to decide how we’re gonna organise the elections for best Dutch weblogs.

It’s about to be time.

To leave home, I mean.



Yesterday I saw they moved some refermantationtanks in the brewery I work in.

This picture is close to the place where they stand now.

They left a great mess at the place where they once stood.

Great, yeah.

I felt sorry I didn’t bring any shirts with me. Shirts are doing very well amidst dirt, broken walls & garbage I found out.

For me a brewery doesn’t have to be as clean as the commodity inspection department wants it.



I’m gonna swear all kinds of biblical curses today.

Today I was planning to take it at ease, to relax, to enjoy something in a very calm mood, to go to a museum & enjoy the sight of classic paintings from Dutch Masters.

But somebody spoiled my pleasure in it.

So I’m gonna do the same things, wear an extra black T, and say filthy things about that guy standing in front of beautiful paintings.

Without anyone noticing that off course.

That’ll teach him.



Maybe you don’t recognise it immediately as an elevator, but it is.
Only for transporting kegs one level up or down.

We used it ourselves also. Standing next to the kegs. It saved some time.

Sometimes I’m using it when during the tour there is an old lady who can’t descend & climb the steep stairs we have.

But it is forbidden!

It says on the sign too: Forbidden for people, Max lifting capacity 1000 kg.

So just 1 old lady. Not more than that. Maybe her stick. Not more.



Ok, floor again.

& Instead of the floor of Brouwerij de Molen, now a T-shirt from that brewery, laying on the floor of Brouwerij ‘t IJ.

It’s not sharp focused, I know. I tried photographing it on the floor of a train.
Didn’t succeed.

Tried this floor. Didn’t succeed either.

It’s the shirt that’s making it out of focus.

But the floor, that’s what it’s about.

Try copy this one.