full sail

Full Sail

This is the floor in a brewhouse.
It’s got to be renovated.

Bad work, the brewer told us.
We agreed.

But when we were eating something in the pub, I layed down 1 of my T’s over there to try to make a nice picture of it.

It’s like Italy, just above the shirt, I realised when I came home & looked at it on my computer.

So each time I see this floor I want to go to the italian city Florence.

& At the same time I’m also getting thirsty.



It’s a trend to make beers stronger.

Certain beerstyles are getting the prefix “Imperial’.

Imperial Porter, Imperial Stout, Imperial IPA.

So it’s about time for an Imperial Saison. We came to think of that when we (people working in de Bierkoning) visited Brouwerij de Molen.

So we also discussed about a name that would suit such a unique beer.

It might be that my name will be used for it.
It just might…



People get to know at what time I’m gonna take a shower & leave home, thanks to all these photographs.

If I want to leave I 1st have to figure out which T-shirt should be placed online.
& I have to write something with it too.

After that I can start to brush my teeth.

You better don’t come around when there’s no new T available here yet.

Although I have to say I think I smell nice. Especially after 2 days.

I do have some responsibility towards other people too.



Why should everything be clean?

Not that I don’t feel sorry for myself when I see that a lot of dust has piled itself on my bookshelves.
Not that I don’t feel ashamed that when my mother is visiting me the gas cooker is covered with so much grease stain that you can’t recognise the gas cooker as a gas cooker.

I don’t mean that.

I mean: do you see the paint that is not paint anymore?
Do you see all kinds of colours where lots of work with Photoshop would be necessary to hide the age of the machines?

Can you imagine me laying down, looking at the ceiling to think of figures that they supposedly or unsupposedly put in the structure of it?

Do you see the clouds? They are different from yesterday.

And hey, they’ve changed again!



I won’t be leaving my home again.

I’m gonna watch the leaves falling.

As far as they didn’t fall already.

I think there’s just a 10th left from what is on this picture.

You could say that it looks empty now. Just a few leaves left to enjoy myself.

I can see all the birds’ secret places.

They only have seasonal curtains to hide themselves.



When I had some trouble with my chest last monday I bought this puzzle.

And during 24 hours besides sleeping & eating I didn’t do anything else than trying to solve it.

Extremely difficult, especially when you let all the pieces fall on the ground & some of them try to hide themselves under the couch.

Anyway, I solved it. & It calmed me down a bit.

But why I had to put that shirt on this picture I really don’t know.

Maybe because green goes well with green?



I’m going to work again. I’ve been resting long enough.

Although I can’t say that I’m at ease.

I keep thinking: there should’ve been a reason to put me in an ambulance.

Life. Back to normal. No dangers. Untill the opposite is happening.



Guess what? I’m gonna stay at home.

I won’t be leaving the house.

& I think you would have done the same, carrying your own sun with you.



The shirt is nothing special. The floor is though.

Lots of cheese has been ripening here. Now they mature beer at the same place (Brouwerij de Molen).

I can wear it today. Nobody who knows me will meet me today.

But she has seen me standing in my underwear. Even more, better: even less than that.

So I shouldn’t be ashamed too much wearing a shirt I don’t like.



I decided to take some days off.

I informed my employers. Told them what condition my condition is in.
They said it’s alright.

So I’m gonna hang out at my own place. Look how the birds & the wind are emptying my garden.
& Cats trying to fill it again.

Visit some art galleries.

Wear T-shirts I don’t dare to show myself in in ‘public’.