

I think it’s already a month ago I harvested these hops.

They’re still laying in the ‘warming room’ in the brewery I work in. Waiting for the moment they are going to be used as decoration.

Meanwhile drying.

It’s gonna be so dry it probably falls apart when they pick it up.

Back then, 1 month ago, it was smelling delicious.

But autumn didn’t leave anything of the smell.

It’s all falling apart.



Mike brought me this T.
He’s living close to the brewery. So he’s understanding the humor too.

The frontside says: Proudly brewed in New Jersey; You got a problem with that.

Mike told me it’s funny.

I don’t know whether he’s talking about the front- or the backside.

I was thinking the 4 stands for the route you have to take to arrive at the brewery.

But I don’t know.
I don’t live there.
There’s an ocean between me & them.

Anyway, I personally think this is one of the best pictures I took.
Ouch, the colours keep hitting me.



This T was released 1 year before I entered the beerscene.

1994 That was.

I don’t know how they did it without me.

Untill that moment I was drinking beer occasionally.

Although occasionally could be very often too.

More often one could find me watching movies. Or collecting comics.
Quite fanatically.

& That’s what this is about: once I start something, people will know that I’m doing it.

It’s like “Kabonk”: it flls my head totally.



I think we found their website around 8 years ago.

We immediately wanted to have their T-shirts.
Ska T-shirts.
About beer.

It was to expensive to let them send to Europe.

We had to forget the beautiful opportunity to walk around with the nicest beershirts there were.

Suddenly I saw my neighbour walking with this T.

I loved it, I said. & I told him the story above.

After 2 months he came to me. Whether I wanted to have that T.

His little daughter was scared of the skeleton. Didn’t want to see it anymore.

After 8 years.

british are coming

British Are Coming

Oops, I don’t know anymore how I got this one.

Did I drink too many beers that day?

Or maybe I didn’t like the fact that there was no nice image on the shirt?

But those 2 lines are funny (just because of their simplicity).

Probably I drank too much.

In my life.


I should curb my consumption.



It sometimes amazes me that people bring me T’s.

The only thing I do for them is serving beer.
& Telling them when they have to move.

Well, I give them a free beer.

But for that they had to spent money, they had to take this T with them back home & had to find the right moment to give it to me.

Just hoping that I would react enthousiastically.

That’s what I hope I do.

My smile should be something you will never forget.

This T cost me not more than 1 glass of Columbus plus such a smile.



Went to my doctor. New values of my thyroid gland & liver.
New instructions on the way I should live, the amount of medications I have to take.

His assistent had a sort of a machine waiting for me.
To check my bloodpressure. A whole day long.

I got it hidden underneath this T.

I won’t go out.
The machine starts each ½ hour. It makes a certain kind of sound.

As if I’m farting.

You wouldn’t like to stand in line in a supermarket at such a moment.



Lots of the plants I have in my garden my mother has also.

Even though my father passed away already for several years ago.

I think it’s 4 years now.

He used to provide me with some plants to fill up my garden when I just arrived at the place I live now.

My mother said last week: Oh, those yellow flowers are doing good now.

I do have them too, I said.

But I didn’t have the name for it either.

My father gave names to the things that lived around us.

& We forgot.

bockbierdag 95

Bokbierdag 95

I’m gonna use the wrong words, I’m afraid.

How would these cups being called in english? Cups that would be filled up with holy water.

My parents used to collect these. My mother still has them hanging to the wall. In this corner here.

Each time on holiday when we visited a church my parents put there fingers in these cups. They made a quick cross in front of their heads with their wettened fingers.

We kids wanted to do that too. We stood on our toes to reach for these holy cups.

Then we got punished by our dad with a slap on our fingers.

We put them in our mouths to ease the pain & left the church behind our mom & dad.

The T was especially being made for the 1st bockbierparty me & my brother organised.



It says: Who’s protecting your pint?

Halfway the day, hm, no, just with the night to go, I’m changing T’s.

I’m gonna see a girl, you see.

We’re going out to dinner.

That’s quite some time ago I did that.

So I need a clean T.

It’s some time ago, yeah. It needs a clean T.

A shower too.