les brasseries

Les Brasseries

This is the backside. Frontside has the logo of Brasserie Fantome. A nice little brewery in the Belgian Ardennes.

I liked the shirt, I told Hugh the evening before we left for the Kent Beerfestival.

Well, we 1st gonna try to sell it at the festival, he said. You may have it when we don’t.

We didn’t.

timothy taylor

Timothy Taylor

I do have another T from the same brewery.

The backside of it says: A real winner seeks long term relationship.

I’m afraid I don’t dare to wear that one. It’s asking for stupid remarks.

Especially because I’m a long term single.

hogs back

Hogs Back

This is the flour of the Bierkoning. The flour in the cellar, where are stock is located.

You can see some pieces of broken glass laying there. Exploding bottles.

Once a bottle broke right at the moment I turned my head around. One piece of glass just passed my head. I could hear it passing.
Then it hit a beerglass, in the shelves standing to the side of cellar.

That exploded too.

It’s a really dangerous job, you know, selling beer.



It says: I was lost – but now I’m Founders.

This electricity controlpanel is normally surrounded by a sort of a box. A case you can pick up, so you can have full sight at the panel.

It looks pretty professional.


Probably it’s not so different from other company’s controlpanels. But I think this 1 looks quite fascinating.



We have new shirts.
From now on we’ll be having shirts with the logo’s of our beers too.

But off course this one is extra special.
Longsleeves. Green colour.
There is just 1!

It’s hanging on a fence at Koningshoeve. Trappistbrewery close to Tilburg.
Also known under the name La Trappe.

We had to do a tasting. 5 Dutch & 5 Belgian triples.
Holland vs Begium.

De Zatte just didn’t make it to that competition.

The Belgians won.

But this was the only triple-shirt at the competition.

maritime pacific

Maritime Pacific

Fresh hops. Out of my garden.
I harvested them the day before yesterday.

There was some harvesting going on in Poperinge too, last week.
We were watching it, alongside the street.

We found some hopflowers next to where we were standing.
Eat it, Bob said.
So I did.

Everything was hops, the rest of the day.

This is the warming room by the way. It’s 28 degrees there.
The hops must be dried. So we can use it as decoration in our pub.



Was sent via mail. The old version of it.
Some guys working at the bottling line of Red Hook.

& Because I started doing the things I had to do I thought it was nice to show the place I’m always thinking about when I’m in a hurry.

This is the last stop before leaving home.



Lots of people will never know where this is being photographed. They will just never be at the place where I stood at that moment.

& If they do, they still won’t be aware of it.

That’s fascinating I think.

You see some stones. Put together. Moss and dead leaves.

I was there. A few days ago. At the backside of the St. Sixtus-abbey, where I bought some Westvleteren 12.

People can pray here. This place is devoted to Maria & her 7 sorrows. There are a few benches to sit on, so one can prey.

The monks themselves can sit behind a fence. One small bench there.

I walked around freely & took some photographs.

kent 2001

Kent 2001

I could have named this one ‘Stairs 2’ also.
But the pictures are not only about the surroundings.

2001 Was the 2nd time I joined the staff of the Kent Beerfestival.
But I can’t remember exactly what was special about it.

That I decided to make a holiday out of it. I stayed longer, walked the North Downs Way.

Did I also join the Great British Beer Festival? Or was that the year after?

I know I was scared. Didn’t know what to do when I would get homesick.

It was awful to be on an island where you’re depending on the date your returnticket is valid.

It was a great holiday though.

Most of the time people don’t understand the combination of those 2 different feelings.

stairs one

Stairs One

Or should I say Zelco?

I trie to pronounce the ‘h’ a little bit. Together with the ‘z’, where his name starts with.


I probably pronounce his name the wrong way. But at least I trie hard.
Each time I’m trying to think about the possible right pronounciation.

It was Zhelko who gave me this T.

& I thank him for that. It’s a nice one.

Backside: ‘Save the planet, drink organic.’