

I’ve been trying it several times: taking pictures of shirts in the train.

But it’s so annoying that other people can hear you doing it. My cellphone makes that noise when taking a photograph.

There is a way to turn it off, a friend of mine found out.

The only problem now is that I don’t have any shirts left to take with me in the train.



I wanted to write a short message, for all the neighbours at the other side of the street. To let them know that each morning I wake up at 8.37.

‘Dear neighbours,
Each morning I wake up at 8.37.
That’s because someone is hooting to 1 of you. That certain ‘you’ is about to be picked up by that person. & That person wants to let ‘you’ know that he/she is there.

So, I’m waking up 2 hrs early than planned.
I do have another schedule, you see.’

I want to write something like that.

Because at days like this I keep on feeling tired. While this should be my day off.

I should rest.

I should be kept in peace.

So I’m able to let you people know what T-shirt I’m about to wear today.

I’m quite late now.



I’m getting close to the end.
I was looking at the photographs I still had available & I saw that it won’t last much longer than 1 week.

Time to show the last picture I made of a Flying Fish T-shirt.

Last shirt I got also.

A colleague of mine owed it, after getting it as a gift.

He said he didn’t want to wear it, because he didn’t like the hippyness about it.

Me neither.

But yeah…



It’s time to leave home. Been sitting here too long today.

I’ve heard about people who can stay home the whole day.

I’m not that type.

I have to open the door at a certain moment & go out.

de prael

De Prael

Something went wrong last week.

I didn’t dare to wear the cycling jersey the whole day. So I came up with the idea to put it on as soon as my colleague & I would start to throw pellets to the bin.

Just change shirts for the tournament.

It would look quite sporty, I thought.

As if it was real.

But I was so stupid to leave the jersey laying on the couch at home.


Also again with the shirt I was wearing instead.



There are two names of beers that foreign people, mainly english & american, can’t pronounce.

Westvleteren & Weihenstephan.

So I correct them.

That’s something I inherited of my father.
My brothers have that same problem.

They ask for Westfilters – I say Westvleteren.

They ask for Weissenstan – I say Weihenstephan.

I’m especially good in pronouncing dutch names, I sometimes explain to them, while I, for a short moment, secretly think about my late father.



Once we changed a name of our beers on tap from Paas-IJ (Easter Egg) in Mij-bock (May-bock).

We had some kegs left over of it, had already passed the Easter & were coming in the direction of the month of May.

So we thought it was funny to change its name in May-bock.

That gave some consternation with some regular customers.

They said they didn’t like the May-bock & wanted to have back the Paas-IJ.

We didn’t tell them anything about the true nature of this beer, but they still believe they drank something else.

This shirt is a 1-made-only. My colleagues gave it to me as a birthday gift, years ago.



Something went wrong yesterday.
& Here is part of the reason.

I bought a new mediaplayer. It’s the big one.

It has wifi. So I was trying to connect it to my network.

Long story, but there it went wrong. No internet for 1 night. & Next morning I had to adjust some options on both my computer and my new toy in the right way.

No time was left for placing a shirt online.

So now everything is back to normal it’s time for 2 of them.

chang t too

Chang T too

It works quite well, wearing afwull T’s underneath my longsleeves.
Nobody, except for the people looking online, can see I have disgusting beer on my body.

But now I’m in trouble.

I’ve been telling here before that I can’t stand clothing that itches.

This T-shirt looks like it’s gonna itch.

I can recognize it.

So today it’ll be longsleeve, shortsleeve, longsleeve, longsleeve and longsleeve. That’ll be it.

Oh, & off course a sweater & a coat. Nearly forgot that it’s freezing again.



Yesterday somebody asked me whether it was a Singha-shirt I wore that day.

I said yes, but pleasepleasepleasedon’ttellanybody.

Today is the same.
Once again I’m gonna put 4 shirts on top of it.

It’s a Caffrey’s.

A Caffrey’s?

Yes, a Caffrey’s.

Frontside: Q. What’s the difference about Caffrey’s?

Backside: A. It will be all clear in the morning. Easier drinking Caffrey’s. Now 4.2% ABV.

& They’re proud of it.

I’ve been hiding the logo behind some plants here.

So please don’t ask me what I was wearing today. I don’t want to be aware of it.