nieuwjaarsdag 2001

Nieuwjaarsdag 2001

The goat is coming from an old beer ad, found in a book of mine with lots of beersigns from long ago.
You wouldn’t recognise the beer ad. It is totally manipulated & adjusted.

I thought: what use is such a book when I never take a look in it?

So I started to scan all those ads & signs. Put them on my computer.

Now they show themselves as soon as I haven’t used the computer for longer than 5 minutes.

500 Of them.

Hm, yeah, I know, I always exaggerate. Once I start doing something I can’t stop myself & do it fanatically.

1999 – 2000

1999 - 2000

Once again we used something from the 10th anniversary: the ostrich with the party hat. Together with the 2 other animals we use for the seasonals.

Nothing special to be told about it.

We probably had fun, we probably had a little quarrel, probably somebody left because of that.

On the 1st of January something goes wrong, something comes right.

You just don’t know until it happens.

98 – 99

98 - 99

The picture on the T was taken from the improvised label of the End-of-the-Year-beer.

It sometimes happened that our bokbeer was being sold out at the yearly Bockbierfestival. Then some kegs of IJndejaarsbier (the Dutch name for it) were brought to the festival.

To hide that it was not a regular bokbeer, but our new year’s beer, the owner changed the name in Turbock. And he used this drawing for it.

Turbock = a bokbeer of which you can get drunk faster.

I’m gonna sell some of it today, since I’m working both Christmasdays. But now it’ll be sold under the name IJndejaars again.

10 jaar

10 Jaar

Days like these sometimes seem to be accumulations of things coming together.

Just a ½ hour ago I turned on this shirt. I had decided to go out for something to treat myself after I staying home sick for 2 days.

I phoned my brother before leaving the house.
After a small talk he told me our mother was hospitalized again, just the other minute.

Then I figured whether it was a good decision to go work tomorrow.

Even when I hate Christmas time that much, isn’t it the time my mother should expect me? Escpecially now?

I tried to phone a friend. Her mail doens’t work properly. So she doesn’t answer my repeating emails.

But she also doesn’t hear her phone ringing. She regularly turns off the sound of it.
So I couldn’t get the advice I thought I needed so badly.

& 1 Of my bosses went mad when I told him I’d might be ill with Christmas.
I was so interested in working on both Christmasdays, he reproached to me.

What that’s got to do with the T-shirt?

Well, just that special things are coming together at special days. All at once.



If I remember it correctly the painting was being made for the 10th anniversary of the brewery.

We made a special T-shirt of it for New Year’s Day.

Very vulnerable. I think I’m the only one with the picture still on it. It just falls of at a certain moment.

But today I’m ill. Again. So I won’t be wearing it too long.

Better don’t wash it after wearing. It’ll spoil the T.



Here a tradition started. 13 Years ago.

A manwas sitting at the bar, enjoying our beers. Getting slightly pissed. Drawing at coasters.

He left 1 of these coasters with us.

We made a shirt of it. Especially for all the bartenders, for New Year’s Day.

I have all of the shirts that were made during time for New Year’s Day.

I’ll show them the coming days. All being photographed in a certain room in the brewery.

I spoiled this 1 a bit. There are some greasy spots on it, thanks to the fact that I did some dirty cooking with it.



I do have 2 winter ale shirts. 1 Is shortsleeve, the other 1 has long sleeves.

So why not wear them both today?

I asked the former owner whether he wanted to swop his with a shirt of the brewery I work at.

I didn’t expect him to agree with it. He seemed a bit introvert. Didn’t make any contact while he was looking around in the beerstore.

But he did.

While the shirt says that it’s a limited release.

Well, since then I like this guy.

Although I totally forgot who he was & what he looked like.



It is winter.

This morning I heard it on the radio. I was officially announced.

This afternoon it would become winter.

I waited till it was past 12 pm. Then I would be right on time.

But why in the afternoon, I wondered.

When I was laying in my bed it was cold already.



I am coming from there.

Well, I was raised in the city opposite of the island: Den Helder. On the mainland.

Everybody’s saying ‘tessel’, we know that it is ‘teksel’.
We, the people from Den Helder.

Now you know too.

Please, tell the people on the island. They should learn to pronounce the name of the island they live on in the right way.



Here it doesn’t look as yellow as it does in reality.

& That’s what keeps me hesitating to turn it on.

Same accounts for the collar.

I hate collars.

I just had to have this shirt. Al the waiters were wearing it at the last brewery we visited during our holidays in Frankenland.

An hour later we were sitting in the train. Me with this shirt packed.

A shirt I’m about to wear for the 1st time.